The King of Cats is a promenade, physical theatre and dance performance, inspired by folk tales and superstitions surrounding black cats.
Secret Garden Party commissioned us to create and perform The King of Cats for their 2013 festival. The creative theme of the festival was ‘superstition’, and we devised our performance accordingly:
“The King of Cats is dead!” Come to his funeral! There is a ritual that all black cats must perform on such an auspicious occasion and just this once they have decided to invite human animals along. So if you see the black cats process across your path, don’t follow folly and think it a bad omen, follow them and you might be very lucky indeed!
Anyone following the cats would find a trio of witches lying on the earth. Then starts their ritual charm, honouring the dead King of Cats, warding off the bad luck which may arise from his death and crowning a new King (or Queen!) of Cats.
Co-directed by Charlie Ely and Tess Shrubsall
Cats: Ella Cumber, Charlie Ely, Victoria McEvoy, Ruth McMeel and Lily Tyler
Witches: Tess Shrubsall, Roberta Zuric
All photographs (c) Tess Owen